Laboratoire de
Psychologie Médicale
et d'Addictologie
Corps académique
Professeur Paul Verbanck
Tél : +32 2 477 27 05
Publications dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
(publiées ou en cours de publication)
MAURAGE, P., CAMPANELLA, S., PHILIPPOT, P., DE TIMARY, P., CONSTANT, E., GATHIER, S., MICCICHE, M.L., KORNREICH, C., HANAK, C., NOEL, X. et VERBANCK, P. Alcoholism leads to early perceptive alterations, independently of comorbid depressed state : an ERP study. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 38 : 83-97, 2008.
BOSMANS, A. et VERBANCK, P. Successful treatment of delusional disorder of the somatic type or « delusional parasitosis » with olanzapine. Pharmacopsychiatry 41 : 121-2, 2008.
NEU, D., LINKOWSKI, P., HOFFMANN, G., MOUTRIER, R., VERBANCK, P. et LE BON, O. Are patients with « pure » chronic fatigue syndrome just « tired » of also « sleepy »? Journal of Sleep Research 10 : 2008.
NOEL, X., BILIEUX, J., VAN DER LINDEN, M., DAN, B., HANAK, C., DE BOURNONVILLE, C et VERBANCK, P. Impaired inhibition of proactive interference in abstinent individuals with alcoholism. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 31 : 57-64, 2009.
NEU, D., CAPPELIEZ, B., HOFFMANN, G., VERBANCK, P., LINKOWSKI, P. et LE BON, O. High slow-wave sleep and low-light sleep; chronic fatigue syndrome is not likely to be a primary sleep disorder. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 26 : 207-212, 2009.
CAMPANELLA, S., PETIT, G., MAURAGE, P., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Chronic alcoholism : Insights from neurophysiology. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 39 : 191-207, 2009.
EVERS, L. et VERBANCK, P. Création d’un auto-questionnaire de satisfaction corporelle et de perception globale de soi : le QSCPGS. Recherche de normes et début de validation. L’Encéphale 36: 21-27, 2010.
NORO, M., ANTONIJEVIC, I., FORRAY, C., KASPERS, S., AYGUN KOCABAS, N., LECRUBIER, Y., LINOTTE, S., MENDLEWICZ, J., MONTGOMERY, S., SNYDER, L., SOUERY, D., VERBANCK, P., ZOHAR, J. et MASSAT, I. 5HT1 and 5HT2 receptor genes in treatment response phenotypes in major depressive disorder (MDD). International Journal of Psychopharmacology 25:228-31, 2010.
NEU, D., MAIRESSE, O., HOFFMANN, G., VALSAMIS, J.B., VERBANCK, P. LINKOWSKI, P. et LE BON, O. Do « sleepy » and « tired » go together? Rasch analysis of the relationship between sleepiness, fatigue and nonrestorative sleep complaints in a nonclinical population sample. Neuroepidemiology 35:1-11, 2010.
CAMPANELLA, S., BRUYER, R., FROIDBISE, S., ROSSIGNOL, M., JOASSIN, F., KORNREICH, C., NOEL, X. et VERBANCK, P. Is two better than one? A cross-modal oddball paradigm reveals greater sensitivity of the P300 to emotional face-voice association. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 : 1855-62, 2010.
SPAPEN, P., ANGELIDIS, T., ANTONIALI, V., VAN GERWEN, K., PELC, I. et VERBANCK, P. La thérapie familiale multidimensionnelle des adolescents dépendants du cannabis. Thérapie familiale (Genève) 31: 117-32, 2010.
NARANJO, C., KORNREICH, C., CAMPANELLA, S., NOEL, X., VANDRIETTE, Y., GILLAIN, B., DE LONGUEVILLE, X., DELATTE, B., VERBANCK, P. et CONSTANT, E. Major depression is associated with impaired processing of emotion in music as well as in facial and vocal stimuli. Journal of Affective Disorders 128 : 243-251, 2010.
NEU, D., KAJOSCH, H., PEIGNEUX, P., VERBANCK, P., LINKOWSKI, P. et LE BON, O. Cogntive impairment in fatigue and sleepiness associated conditions. Links to event related potentials and daytime EEG power. Psychiatry Research, 2010.
KORNREICH, C., DELLE-VIGNE, D., KNITEL, J., NERINCX, A., CAMPANELLA, S., NOEL, X., HANAK, C., VERBANCK, P. et EMER, E. Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics : a negative impact on social interactions and risky behaviors? Addiction, 2010.
NOEL, X., BECHARA, A., BREVERS, D., VERBANCK, P. et CAMPANELLA, S. Alcoholism and the loss of willpower. Journal of Psychophysiology 24 : 240-248, 2010.
NOEL, X., TOMBERG, C., VERBANCK, P. et CAMPANELLA, S. The influence of alcohol ingestion on cognitive response inhibition and error processing. Journal of Psychophysiology 24 ; 253-258, 2010.
BREVERS, D., CLEEREMANS, A., TIBBOEL, M.A., BECHARA, A., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Reduced attentional link for gambling-related stimuli in problem gamblers. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 42: 265-269, 2011.
LALLEMAND, F., WARD, R.J., DE WITTE, P. et VERBANCK, P. Binge drinking ± chronic nicotine administration alters extracellular glutamate and arginine levels in the nucleus accumbens of adult male and female Wistar rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2011.
MAURAGE, P., GRYNBERG, D., NOEL, X., JOASSIN, F., PHILIPPOT, P., HANAK, C., VERBANCK, P., LUMINET, O., DE TIMARY, P. et CAMPANELLA, S. Dissociation between affective and cognitive empathy in alcoholism : a specific deficit for the emotional dimension. Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research 2011.
NOEL, X., BREVERS, D., BECHARA, A., HANAK, C., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et LE BON, O. Neurocognitive determinants of novelty and sensation-seeking in individuals with alcoholism. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2011.
KORNREICH, C., DELLE-VIGNE, D., KNITTEL, J., NERINCX, A., CAMPANELLA, S., NOEL, X., HANAK, C., VERBANCK, P. et ERMER, E. Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: a negative impact on social interactions and risk-prone behaviors? Addiction 106 : 951-959, 2011.
BREVERS, D., CLEEREMANS, A., BECHARA, A., GREISEN, M., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Poor introspective accuracy in pathological gamblers. Addiction, sous presse.
BREVERS, D., CLEEREMANS, A., BECHARA, A., LALOYAUX, C., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Time course of attentional bias for gambling information in problem gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behavior, 2011.
KORNREICH, C., DELLE-VIGNE, D., CAMPANELLA, S., NOEL, X., PAPAGEORGIOU, C., BROWN, O., VERBANCK, P. et ERMER, E. Conditional reasoning difficulties in polysubstance-dependent patients. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2011.
NOEL, X., BREVERS, D., HANAK, C., CAMPANELLA, S., VAN DER LINDEN, M. et VERBANCK, P. Psychiatry Research, sous presse.
CAMPANELLA, S., PETIT, G., VERBANCK, P., KORNREICH, C. et NOEL, X. How cognitive assessment through clinical neurophysiology may help to optimize chronic alcohol treatment. Clinical Psychophysiology, sous presse.
CAMPANELLA, S., PETIT, G., VERBANCK, P., KORNREICH, C. et NOEL, X. How cognitive assessment through clinical neurophysiology may help to optimize chronic alcoholism treatment. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 41 : 115-123, 2011.
MAURAGE, P., GRYNBERG, D., NOEL, X., JOASSIN, F., HANAK, C., VERBANCK, P., LUMINET, O., DE TIMARY, P., CAMPANELLA, S., PHILIPPOT, P. The « reading the mind in the eyes » test as a new wray to explore complex emotions decoding in alcoholism. Psychiatry Research, sous presse.
SPRUYT, A., DE HOUWER, J, TIBBOEL, H., VERSCHUERE, B., CROMBEZ, G., VERBANCK, P., HANAK, C., BREVERS, D. et NOEL, X. On the predictive validity of automatically activated approach/avoidance tendencies in abstaining alcohol-dependent patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, sous presse.
PETIT, G., KORNREICH, C., MAURAGE, P., NOEL, X., VERBANCK, P. et CAMPANELLA, S. Early attentional modulation by alcohol-related cues in young binge drinkers : An event-related potientials study. Clinical Neurophysiology 123 : 925-936, 2012.
CAMPANELLA, S., DELLE-VIGNE, D., KORNREICH, C. et VERBANCK, P. Greater sensitivity of the P300 component to bimodal stimulation in an event-related potentials oddball task. Clinical Neurophysiology 123 : 937-946, 2012.
NOEL, X., VAN DER LINDEN, M., BREVERS, D., CAMPANELLA, S., HANAK, C. , KORNREICH, C. et VERBANCK, P. The contribution of executive functions deficits to impaired episodic memory in individuals with alcoholism. Psychiatry Research, 2012.
CAMPANELLA, S., FALBO, L., ROSSIGNOL, M., GRYNBERG, D., BALCONI, M., VERBANCK, P. et MAURAGE, P. Sex differences on emotional processing are modulated by subclinical levels of alexithymia and depression – a preliminary ERP assessment. Psychiatry Research, sous presse.
FOUCART, J., DE BUCK, C. et VERBANCK, P. Etude factorielle des composantes psychopathologiques de l’obésité sévère chronique. L’Encéphale 38 : 310-7, 2012.
BREVERS, D., CLEEREMANS, A., BECHARA, A., GREISEN, M., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Impaired self-awareness in pathological gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 2012.
QUAGLIO, G., PANTARO, C., GERRA, G., MATHEWSON, S., VERBANCK, P., DES JARLAIS, D. et LUNGOBORI, F. High dose benzodiazepine dependence; Description of 29 patients treated with flumazenil infusion and stabilised with clonazepam. Psychiatry Research, 2012.
BREVERS, D., CLEEREMANS, A., GOUDRIAAN, A., BECHARA, A., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Decision making under ambiguity but not under risk is related to problem gambling severity. Psychiatry Research, 2012.
PETIT, G., KORNREICH, C., NOEL, X., VERBANCK, P. et CAMPANELLA, S. Alcohol-related context modulates performance of social drinkers in a visual GO/NO GO task : a preliminary assessment of event-related potentials. Plos ONE 7 (5) e37 466, 2012.
KORNREICH, C., BREVERS, D., CANIVET, D., ERMER, E., NARANJO, C., CONSTANT, E., VERBANCK, P., CAMPANELLA, S. et NOEL, X. Impaired processing of emotion in music, faces and voices supports a generalized emotional decoding deficit in alcoholism. Addiction, 2012.
BREVERS, D., CLEEREMANS, A., HERMANT, C., TIBBOEL, H., KORNREICH, C., VERBANCK, P. et NOEL, X. Implicit gambling attitudes in problem gamblers : positive but not negative implicit associations. Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 44: 94-97, 2012.
NOEL, X., VAN DER LINDEN, M., BREVERS, D, CAMPANELLA, S., VERBANCK, P., KORNREICH, C. et VERBRUGGEN, F. Separating intentional of prepotent responses and resistance to proactive interference in alcohol-dependent individuals. Drug Alcohol Dependence, 2012.
NEWELL, J., MAIRESSE, O., VERBANCK, P. et NEU, D. Is a one-night stay in the lab really enough to conclude? First-night effect and night-to-nignt variability in polysomnographic recordings among different clinical population samples. Psychiatry Research, 2012.
Salvatore Campanella
Docteur en Sciences Psychologiques et de l’Education (mars 2001, UCL).
Chercheur Qualifié FNRS.
Tél : 02 477 28 51
Thème principal de recherche | Publications
Mon thème principal de recherche :
Investiguer par le biais des techniques d’imagerie cérébrale (potentiels évoqués, résonance magnétique fonctionnelle) les déficits cognitifs observables dans de nombreuses populations psychiatriques, telles que la dépression, l’anxiété, la schizophrénie et les diverses formes d’addiction.
Actuellement, mes recherches se focalisent sur trois axes majeurs :
1. étudier l’effet de la biture expresse sur le cerveau des jeunes consommateurs ;
2. tenter de définir des procédures neurophysiologiques facilement utilisables en milieu clinique et susceptibles d’améliorer la prise en charge cognitive des patients psychiatriques ;
3. combiner l’enregistrement simultané de l’électroencéphalogramme à celui de la résonance magnétique fonctionnelle, afin d’obtenir le réseau anatomique et temporel lié au décours d’une tâche cognitive spécifique.
Mes cinq publications les plus représentatives avant 2007
S. Campanella, C. Hanoteau, D. Dépy, B. Rossion, R. Bruyer, M. Crommelinck, J-M Guerit (2000) Right N170 modulation in a face discrimination task : an account for categorical perception of familiar faces. Psychophysiology, 37(6), 796-806.
S. Campanella, F. Joassin, B. Rossion, R. Bruyer, A. De Volder, & M. Crommelinck (2001). Association of the distinct visual representations of faces and names: A PET activation study. NeuroImage, 14(4), 873-882.
S. Campanella, P. Quinet, R. Bruyer, M. Crommelinck, J-M Guerit (2002). Categorical perception of happiness and fear facial expressions: an ERP study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 14 (2), 210-227.
S. Campanella, M.E. Vanhoolandt, & P. Philippot (2005). Emotional deficit in subjects with psychopathic tendencies as assessed by the MMPI-2: an event-related potentials study. Neuroscience Letters, 373, 26-31.
S. Campanella, C. Montedoro, E. Streel, P. Verbanck, V. Rosier (2006). Early visual components (P100, N170) are disrupted in chronic schizophrenic patients: an ERP study. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology , 36(2), 71-78.
S. Campanella & P. Belin (2007). Integrating face and voice in person perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11(12), 535-543.
F. Joassin, G. Meert, S. Campanella, R. Bruyer (2007). The associative processes involved in faces-proper names vs. objects-common names binding: a comparative ERP study. Biological Psychology, 75, 286-299.
P. Maurage, F. Joassin, P. Philippot, S. Campanella (2007). A validated battery of vocal emotional expressions. Neuropsychological Trends , 2, 63-74.
P. Maurage, S. Campanella, P. Philippot, T. Pham, F. Joassin (2007). The crossmodal facilitation effect is disrupted in alcoholism: a study with emotional stimuli. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 42, 552-559.
P. Maurage, P. Philippot, P. Verbanck, X. Noel, C. Kornreich, S. Campanella (2007). Is the P300 deficit in alcoholism associated with early visual impairments (P100, N170)? An oddball paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(3), 633-44.
M. Rossignol, C. Anselme, N. Vermeulen, P. Philippot, S. Campanella (2007). Categorical perception of Anger and Disgust facial expression is affected by non-clinical social anxiety: an ERP study. Brain Research, 1132(1), 166-176.
Maurage P, Campanella S, Philippot P, Vermeulen N, Constant E, Luminet O, de Timary P (2008). Electrophysiological correlates of the disrupted processing of anger in alcoholism. Int J Psychophysiol. 70(1):50-62.
Maurage P, Campanella S, Philippot P, de Timary P, Constant E, Gauthier S, Miccichè ML, Kornreich C, Hanak C, Noel X, Verbanck P (2008). Alcoholism leads to early perceptive alterations, independently of comorbid depressed state: an ERP study. Neurophysiol Clin. 38(2):83-97.
Maurage P, Philippot P, Joassin F, Pauwels L, Pham T, Prieto EA, Palmero-Soler E, Zanow F, Campanella S (2008). The auditory-visual integration of anger is impaired in alcoholism: an event-related potentials study. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 33(2):111-22.
Maurage P, Campanella S, Philippot P, Martin S, de Timary P (2008). Face processing in chronic alcoholism: a specific deficit for emotional features. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 32(4):600-6.
Rossignol M, Philippot P, Crommelinck M, Campanella S (2008). Visual processing of emotional expressions in mixed anxious-depressed subclinical state: an event-related potential study on a female sample. Neurophysiol Clin. 38(5):267-75.
Vermeulen, N., Luminet, O., Cordovil de Sousa, M., & Campanella, S. (2008). Categorical perception of anger is disrupted in alexithymia: Evidence from a visual ERP study. Cognition and Emotion, 22, 1052-1067.
Joassin, F., Maurage, P., Campanella, S. (2008). Perceptual complexity of faces and voices modulates cross-modal behavioral facilitation effects. Neuropsychological Trends, 3, 29-44 (2008).
Campanella S, Petit G, Maurage P, Kornreich C, Verbanck P, Noël X (2009). Chronic alcoholism: insights from neurophysiology. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical neurophysiology, 39(4-5), 191-207.
Campanella S, Guerit JM (2009). How clinical neurophysiology may contribute to the understanding of a psychiatric disease such as schizophrenia. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical neurophysiology, 39 (1), 31-39.
Maurage P, Campanella S, Philippot P, Charest I, Martin S, de Timary P (2009). Impaired emotional facial expression decoding in alcoholism is also present for emotional prosody and body postures. Alcohol and Alcoholism, (5), 476-85.
Maurage P, Pesenti M, Philippot P, Joassin F, Campanella S (2009). Latent deleterious effects of binge drinking over a short period of time revealed only by electrophysiological measures. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 34(2),111-8.
Rossignol, M., Bruyer, R., Philippot, P., Campanella, S. (2009). Categorical Perception of emotional faces is not affected by aging. Neuropsychological Trends, 6, 29-50.
S. Campanella, R. Bruyer, S. Froidbise, M. Rossignol, F. Joassin, C. Kornreich, X. Noël, P. Verbanck (2010). Is two better than one? A cross-modal oddball paradigm reveals greater sensitivity of the P300 to emotional face-voice associations. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121, 1855-62.
X. Noël, S. Campanella, I. Pelc, P. Verbanck (2010). Acute and chronic effects of alcohol: some insights from cognitive sciences. Acta Clinica Belgica, 65, Supplement 1, 68-74.
S. Campanella, X. Noël, C. Tomberg (2010). Cognitive Event-related Potentials and Alcoholism. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 231-239.
X. Noël, A. Bechara, D. Brevers, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella (2010). Alcoholism and loss of willpower: a neurocognitive perspective. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 240-248.
X. Noël, C. Tomberg, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella(2010). The influence of alcohol ingestion on cognitive response inhibition and error processing. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 253-258
F. Joassin, M. Pesenti, P. Maurage, E. Verreckt, R. Bruyer, S. Campanella (2011). Crossmodal integration of faces and voices in the left angular gyrus. Cortex,47(3), 367-76.
F. Joassin, P. Maurage, S. Campanella (2011). The neural network sustaining the crossmodal processing of human gender from faces and voices: an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 54(2), 1654-61
C. Naranjo, C. Kornreich, S. Campanella, X. Noël, Y. Vandriette, B. Gillain, X. De Longueville, B. Delatte, P. Verbanck, E. Constant (2011). Major depression is associated with impaired processing of emotion in music as well as in facial and vocal stimuli. Journal of Affective Disorders, 128, 243-251 (2011).
S. Campanella, G. Petit, P. Verbanck, C. Kornreich, X. Noël (2011). How cognitive assessment through clinical neurophysiology may help to optimize chronic alcoholism treatment. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 41, 115-123.
P. Maurage, D. Grynberg, X. Noël, P. Philippot, O. Luminet, C. Hanak, P. Verbanck, P. de Timary, S. Campanella (2011). Dissociation between affective and cognitive empathy in alcoholism: a specific deficit for the emotional dimension. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35(9), 1662-68.
C. Kornreich, D. Delle Vigne, J. Knittel, A. Nerincx, S. Campanella, X. Noël, C. Hanack, P. Verbanck, E. Ermer (2011). Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: a negative impact on social interactions and risk-prone behaviors? Addiction, 106(5), 951-959.
P. Maurage, D. Grynberg, X. Noël, F. Joassin, C. Hanak, P. Verbanck, O. Luminet, P. de Timary, S. Campanella, P. Philippot (2011). The Reading the Mind in the Eyes test as a new way to explore complex emotions decoding in alcohol dependence. Psychiatry Research, 190 (2-3), 375-8.
S. Campanella, D. Delle-Vigne, C. Kornreich, P. Verbanck (2012). Greater sensitivity of the P300 component to bimodal stimulation in an event-related potentials oddball task. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123, 937-946.
S. Campanella, L. Falbo, M. Rossignol, D. Grynberg, M. Balconi, P. Verbanck, P. Maurage (2012). Sex differences on emotional processing are modulated by subclinical levels of alexithymia and depression: a preliminary ERP assessment. Psychiatry Research, 197, 145-153.
P. Maurage, F. Joassin, A. Speth, J. Modave, P. Philippot, S. Campanella (2012). Cerebral effects of binge drinking: Respective influences of global alcohol intake and consumption pattern. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123, 892-901.
G. Petit, C. Kornreich, P. Maurage, X. Noël, C. Letesson, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella (2012). Early attentional modulation by alcohol-related cues in young binge drinkers: An event-related potentials study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123, 925-936.
M. Rossignol, P. Philippot, C. Bissot, S. Rigoulot, S. Campanella (2012). Electrophysiological correlates of enhanced perceptual process and attentional capture by emotional faces in social anxiety. Brain Research, 1460, 50-62.
G. Petit, C. Kornreich, X. Noel, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella (2012). Alcohol-Related Context Modulates Performance of Social Drinkers in a Visual Go/No-Go Task: a Preliminary Assessment of Event-Related Potentials. Plos One, 7(5):e37466.
Sous presse – Acceptés
S. Amenta, X. Noël, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella (2012). Decoding of emotional components in complex communicative situations (irony) and their relations to empathic abilities in male chronic alcoholics: An issue for treatment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, in press.
C. Kornreich, D. Delle Vigne, S. Campanella, X. Noël, C. Papageorgiou, O. Brown, P. Verbanck, E. Ermer. Conditional reasoning difficulties in polysubstance dependence patients. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, in press.
X. Noël, M. Van der Linden, D. Brewers, S. Campanella, C. Hanak, P. Verbanck. The contribution of executive functions deficits to impaired episodic memory in individuals with alcoholism. Psychiatry Research, in press.
C. Kornreich, D. Brevers, D. Canivet, E. Ermer, C. Naranjo, E. Constant, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella, X. Noël. Impaired processing of emotion in music, faces and voices supports a generalized emotional decoding deficit in alcoholism. Addiction, in press.
Projets obtenus comme investigateur principal
ERAB: The European Foundation for Alcohol Research – 100 000 euros for 2 years (2011-12) – ref. EA 10 30: “Binge drinking: cognitive and brain impairment and their association with immune response”.
FNRS – Crédit au Chercheur – 16 600 euros for one year – “Binge drinking impact on neurocognitive functioning
Professeur Charles Kornreich
Docteur en Sciences Psychologiques et de l’Education (mars 2001, UCL).
Chercheur Qualifié FNRS.
Tél : 02 477 28 51
Ps cinq publications les plus représentatives
KORNREICH C. ; BLAIRY S; .PHILIPPOT P. ; HESS U.; NOEL X.; STREEL E.; LE BON O. ; BAERT I.; PELC I.; VERBANCK P. (2001): Deficits in emotional facial expression recognition are still present after mid to long term abstinence in alcoholic patients. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 62: 533-542.
KORNREICH C. ; PHILIPPOT P. ; FOISY M-L. ; BLAIRY S. ; RAYNAUD E. ; DAN B. ; HESS U. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (2002): Impaired emotional facial expression recognition is associated with interpersonal problems in alcoholics. Alcohol and Alcoholism 37 : 394-400.
KORNREICH C., FOISY, M.-L., PHILIPPOT P., DAN, B., TECCO J. ; NOEL, X., HESS U. ; PELC I., VERBANCK P. (2003): Impaired emotional facial expression recognition in alcoholics, opiate dependence subjects, methadone maintained subjects and mixed alcohol-opiate antecedents subjects compared to normal controls. Psychiatry Research 119 : 251-260.
KORNREICH C.; DELLE-VIGNE D.; KNITTEL J.; NERINCX A.; CAMPANELLA S.; NOEL X.; HANAK C.; VERBANCK P.; ERMER E. (2011). Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: a negative impact on social interactions and risk-prone behaviors? Addiction. 106: 951-959.
KORNREICH C.; BREVES D.; CANIVET D.; ERMER E.; NARANJO C.; CONSTANT E.; VERBANCK P. ;CAMPANELLA S.; NOEL X. Impaired processing of emotion in music, faces and voices supports a generalized emotional decoding deficit in alcoholism. Addiction. In Press
Collaborations internationales projets de recherche:
avec Elsa Ermer : Assistant Professor Psychology. Adelphi University, Garden City, New York : étude du raisonnement conditionnel.
avec Marc Hauser : Professor of Psychology, organismic & evolutionary and Biological Anthropology à Harvard : étude de la résolution des dilemmes moraux dans plusieurs populations psychopathologiques.
avec Henri-Jean Aubin : Professeur d’addictologie. Chef de service d’addictologie Hôpital Paul Brousse à Paris.
Collaborations nationales
Prof. Pierre Philippot : faculté de psychologie UCL
Dr. Bernard Cappeliez : unité d’addictologie centre Le Domaine à Braine L’Alleud
Dr. Juan Tecco : Centre psychiatrique Le Chêne aux Haies à Mons
Prof. Philippe Fouchet : faculté de psychologie ULB
Prof. Carole Fantini : faculté de psychologie ULB
Prof. Bernard Dan : neuropédiatrie HUDE
Prof. Véronique Delvenne : pédopsychiatrie HUDE
Dr. Anne François : pédopsychiatrie HUDE
Dr. Léonardo Gucciardo : maternité CHU Brugmann
Addictions et difficultés de décodage du langage non verbal. Editions Universitaires Européennes 2010.
Histoire des plaisirs humains : désirs et contraintes. Editions L’Harmattan 2011.
Le TOC au jour le jour. Editions « Sur la Colline » (Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Charles Kornreich et Jean-Marc Timmermans)
PHILIPPOT P. ;KORNREICH C. ;BLAIRY S. (2003): Nonverbal Deficits and Interpersonal Regulation in Alcoholics. P. Philippot, E.J. Coats, & R.S. Feldman (Eds.), Nonverbal Behavior in Clinical Context. New York: Oxford University Press pg 289-327.
PHILIPPOT P., DOULLIEZ C., PHAM T., FOISY M-L., KORNREICH C. (2005). Facial Expression Decoding Deficits in Clinical Populations with Interpersonal Relationship Dysfunctions. In R. Riggio, & R.S. Feldman (Eds.). Application of Nonverbal Behavior. Lauwrence Erlbaum Associates pg 17-37.
Delle-Vigne D. ; Kornreich C. ; Verbanck P. ; Campanella S: Searching for a greater sensitivity of cognitive event-related potentials for a better clinical use in psychiatry in S. Campanella, P. Belin et T. Ethofer Eds: Interpreting face and voice in person perception. Springer. Berlin 2012.
Publications importantes depuis 2007
FOISY M.L., KORNREICH C., PETIAU C., PAREZ A., PELC I., HANAK C., VERBANCK P., PHILIPPOT P. (2007): Impaired emotional facial recognition in alcoholics : are these deficits specific to emotional cues. Psychiatry Research 150 : 33-41.
MAURAGE P., PHILIPPOT P., VERBANCK P., NOEL X., KORNREICH C., HANAK C., CAMPANELLA S. (2007): Is the P 300 deficit in alcoholism associated with early visual impairments (P100, N170) ? An oddball paradigm. Clinical. Neurophysiology 118: 633-644.
FOISY M.L., KORNREICH C., FOBE A, D’HONDT L,., PELC I., HANAK C., VERBANCK P., PHILIPPOT P. (2007): Impaired emotional facial expression recognition in alcohol dependence : Do these deficits persist with midterm abstinence ? Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research 31 : 404-410.
MAURAGE P; CAMPANELLA S; PHILIPPOT P; de TIMARY P; CONSTANT E; GAUTHIER S; MICCICHE M-L; KORNREICH C; HANAK C; NOEL X; VERBANCK P. (2008): Alcoholism leads to early perceptive alterations, independently of comorbid depressed state: An ERP study. Clinical Neurophysiology 38(2): 83-97.
KORNREICH C.; SZOMBAT M.; VANDRIETTE Y.; DAN B. (2008): Chronic fatigue syndrome and acute psychotic episode : is it coincidental ? The Primary Care Companion of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 10: 412.
KHALDI S.; KORNREICH C.; CHOUBANI Z.; GOUREVITCH R. (2008) : Antipsychotiques atypiques et syndrome malin des neuroleptiques : une brève revue de la littérature. L’Encéphale 34: 618-624.
DESAIVE P.; DAN B.; KORNREICH C. Delayed Onset Parkinsonism in Alcoholic Patient following ARDS: Alcoholism could be a risk factor. Open Addiction. 2009; 2: 28-29.
KORNREICH C.; VANDRIETTE Y.; DAN B. (2010): Tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer and suicidal risk. The Primary Care Companion of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 12(2): e1.
CAMPANELLA S.; BRUYER R.; FROIDBISE S.; ROSSIGNOL M.; JOASSIN F.; KORNREICH C.; NOEL X.; VERBANCK P. (2010): Is two better than one? A cross-modal oddball paradigm reveals greater sensitivity of the P300 to emotional face-voice associations. Clinical Neurophysiology: 121: 1855-62.
MARY-RABINE S.; DEMULDER A.; FOSSION P.; DAN B.; KORNREICH C. (2010): Neutropenia as a class effect of antipsychotics: a case report. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology : 30 (5): 639-640.
NARANJO C.; KORNEICH C. ; CAMPANELLA S. ; NOEL X. ; VANDRIETTE Y.; GILLAIN B. ; de LONGUEVILLE X. ; DELATTE B. ; VERBANCK P. CONSTANT E. (2010). Major depression is associated with impaired processing of emotion in music as well as in facial and vocal stimuli. Journal of Affective Disorders 128: 243-251.
KORNREICH C.; NEU D. (2010) : Nos structures mentales nous prédisposent-elles à la religion. Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 31 :50-6.
KORNREICH C.; DELLE-VIGNE D.; KNITTEL J.; NERINCX A.; CAMPANELLA S.; NOEL X.; HANAK C.; VERBANCK P.; ERMER E. (2011). Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: a negative impact on social interactions and risk-prone behaviors? Addiction. 106: 951-959.
BREVERS D.; CLEEREMANS A.; TIBBOEL H.; BECHARA A.; KORNREICH C.; VERBANCK P.; NOEL X. (2011). Reduced attentional blink for gambling: related stimuli in problem gamblers. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 42: 265-269
NOEL X; BECHARA A; VERBANCK P.; HANAK C.; KORNREICH C.; BREVERS D.; LE BON O. Neurocognitive determinants of novelty and sensation seeking in individuals with alcoholism. Alcohol and alcoholism: 46: 407-415.
CAMPANELLA S.; VERBANCK P.; KORNREICH C.; NOEL X. (2011) How cognitive assessment through clinical neurophysiology may help to optimize chronic alcoholism treatment. Neurophysiologie Clinique/ Clinical Neurophysiology: In Press.
KORNREICH C.; DELLE-VIGNE D.; CAMPANELLA S. ; PAPAGEORGIOU C. ; BROWN O. ; VERBANCK P. ; ERMER E. Polysubstance dependent patients are severely impaired in descriptive and social contract reasoning while precautionary reasoning is relatively spared. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors: In Press.
NOEL X.; VAN der LINDEN M.; BREVERS D.; CAMPANELLA S.; HANAK C.; KORNREICH C.; VERBANCK P. The contribution of executive functions deficits on impaired episodic memory in individuals with alcoholism. Psychiatry Research In press: 2012
KORNREICH C. ; AUBIN H-J. Religion et fonctionnement du cerveau (partie 2): les religions jouent-elles un rôle favorable sur la santé mentale ? Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2012; 33:87-96
BREVERS D.; CLEEREMANS A.; BECHARA A.; LALOYAUX C.; KORNREICH C.; VERBANCK P.; NOEL X. (2011). Time course of attentional bias for gambling information in problem gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behavior In Press.
PETIT G.; KORNREICH C.;, MAURAGE .; NOEL X. LETESSON S.; VERBANCK P.; CAMPANELLA S. Early attentional modulation by alcohol-related cues in young binge drinkers: An event-related potentials study. Clinical Neurophysiology, In Press.
CAMPANELLA S.; DELLE-VIGNE D.; KORNREICH C.. VERBANCK P. Greater sensitivity of the P300 component to bimodal stimulation in an event-related potentials oddball task. Clinical Neurophysiology In Press
BREVERS D; CLEEREMANS A.; BECHARA A.; GOUDRIAAN A.; KORNREICH C.; VERBANCK P.; NOEL X. Decision making under uncertainty (?) but not under ambiguity is related to problem gambling severity. Psychiatry Research In Press.
BREVERS D.; CLEEREMANS A.; GREISEN M.; BECHARA A.; KORNREICH C.; VERBANCK P.; NOEL X. Impaired self-awareness in pathological gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies. In Press.
PETIT G. ; KORNREICH C. ; VERBANCK P. ; CAMPANELLA S. Alcohol-related context modulates performance of social drinkers in a visual Go/NoGo task: an event-related potentials study. PloS One In Press.
KORNREICH C.; BREVES D.; CANIVET D.; ERMER E.; NARANJO C.; CONSTANT E.; VERBANCK P. ;CAMPANELLA S.; NOEL X. Impaired processing of emotion in music, faces and voices supports a generalized emotional decoding deficit in alcoholism. Addiction. In Press
Publications importantes avant 2007
VERBANCK P.; SEUTIN V.; DRESSE A.; SCUVEE, J;MASSOTE J.; GIESBERS I.; KORNREICH C. (1990): Acute effect of ethanol on monoaminergic neurons : an in vitro and in vivo study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 14 : 728-735.
VERBANCK P.; SCUVEE J.; GIESBERS I.; KORNREICH C.; MAES A. (1991): Effects of ethanol on the rat medial septum nucleus. An in vivo study. Alcoholism: A molecular perspective. Plenum Press, pg 211-216, T. Norman Palmer Editor.
KORNREICH C.; DEN DULK A.; VERBANCK P.; PELC. (1995): Fluoxetine treatment of compulsive masturbation in a schizophrenic patient. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 56: pg 334.
LE BON O; VERBANCK P; HOFFMANN G; MURPHY J; STANER L.; DE GROOTE D.;MAMPUNZA S; DEN DULK A; VACHER C.; KORNREICH C; PELCI. (1997): Sleep in detoxified alcoholics; Impairment of most standard sleep parameters and increased risk for sleep apnea, but not for myoclonias. A controlled study. Journal of studies on alcohol 58: 30-36.
KORNREICH C.; DAN B; VERBANCK P; FONTAINE E.; PELC I. (1998): Divergent responses to fluoxetine from two compulsive food-related conditions: Bulimia nervosa and compulsive water drinking. Biological Psychiatry: 43: 310-311.
KORNREICH C.; PHILIPPOT P.; VERPOORTEN C.; BAERT I.; VERBANCK P.; PELC.I. (1998): Alcoholism and emotional reactivity. More heterogenous film-induced emotional responses in newly detoxified alcoholics compared to controls: A preliminary study. Addictive Behaviors : 23 : 413-418.
PHILIPPOT P. ; KORNREICH C. ; BLAIRY S. ; DEN DULK A. ; LE BON O. ; HESS U. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (1999): Alcoholics’ deficits in the decoding of emotional facial expression. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental research 23:1031-1038.
KORNREICH C.; DAN B.; VERBANCK P.; PELC I. (2000): Treating Charles Bonnet Syndrome: Understanding Inconsistency. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 20: 396.
KORNREICH C. ; FOSSION P. ; HOFFMANN G. ; BALERIAUX M. ; PELC I. (2000): Treatment of Kleine-Levin Syndrome :Melatonin on the starting block . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 61 : 215.
KORNREICH C.; DAN B.; VERBANCK P.; FONTAINE E.; PELC I. (2000): Bulimia nervosa and compulsive water drinking: divergent responses to fluoxetine. Review series Psychiatry 2/00; pg 2-3.
DAN B.; KORNREICH C. (2000): Talmudic, Koranic and other classic reports of stalking. British Journal of Psychiatry: 177: 282.
KORNREICH C. ; BLAIRY S. ; PHILIPPOT P. ; DAN B. ; FOISY M-L. ; LE BON O. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (2001): Emotional facial expression recognition compared in two pathological conditions: obsessive compulsive disorder and alcoholism. Psychiatry Research : 102 : 235-248.
KORNREICH C. ; BLAIRY S; .PHILIPPOT P. ; HESS U.; NOEL X.; STREEL E.; LE BON O. ; BAERT I.; PELC I.; VERBANCK P. (2001): Deficits in emotional facial expression recognition are still present after mid to long term abstinence in alcoholic patients. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 62: 533-542.
NOEL X ; VAN DER LINDEN M. ; SCHMIDT N. ; SFERRAZZA R. ; HANAK C. ; LE BON O. ; DE MOL J. ; KORNREICH C. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (2001): Supervisory attentional system in non-amnesic men with alcoholism. Archives of General Psychiatry 58 : 1152-8.
NOEL X ; SCHMIDT N ; VAN DER LINDEN M. ; SFERRAZZA R. ; HANAK C.; DE MOL J. ; KORNREICH C. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (2001): An atypical neuropsychological profile of a Korsakoff syndrome patient throughout the follow-up. European Neurology 46 : 140-147.
NOEL X ;PATERNOT J.; VAN DER LINDEN M. ; SFERRAZZA R. ; VERHAS M. ;HANAK C.; MARTIN P. ; KORNREICH C. ; DE MOL J. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (2001): Correlation between inhibition, working memory and delimited frontal areas blood flow measured by 99mTC-Bisicate SPECT in alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol and Alcoholism : 36 : 556-563.
KORNREICH C. ; PHILIPPOT P. ; FOISY M-L. ; BLAIRY S. ; RAYNAUD E. ; DAN B. ; HESS U. ; PELC I. ; VERBANCK P. (2002): Impaired emotional facial expression recognition is associated with interpersonal problems in alcoholics. Alcohol and Alcoholism 37 : 394-400.
MEWASINGH L.D. ; KORNREICH C. ; CHRISTIAENS F. ; CHRISTOPHE C. ; DAN B. (2002): Pediatric phantom vision (Charles Bonnet) syndrome. Pediatric Neurology 26 :143-145.
KHALDI S. ; KORNREICH C. ; DAN B ; PELC I. (2003): Usefulness of Olanzapine in Refractory Panic Attacks. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 23 : 100-101.
KORNREICH C., FOISY, M.-L., PHILIPPOT P., DAN, B., TECCO J. ; NOEL, X., HESS U. ; PELC I., VERBANCK P. (2003): Impaired emotional facial expression recognition in alcoholics, opiate dependence subjects, methadone maintained subjects and mixed alcohol-opiate antecedents subjects compared to normal controls. Psychiatry Research 119 : 251-260.
FOISY M-L ; PHILLIPOT P. ; VERBANCK P., PELC I. ; VAN DER STRAETEN G, KORNREICH C. (2005): Emotional Facial Expression Decoding impairment in persons dependent on multiple substances: impact of a history of alcohol dependence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 66: 673-681.
KHALDI S, DAN B, BASIAUX P, DE NUTTE N, KORNREICH C. (2006): Manic episode precipitated by withdrawal of substitution hormonotherapy in severe hypothyroidism. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 12 : 1-2.
PELC C., KORNREICH C., FOISY M-L, DAN B. (2006): Recognition of emotional facial expressions in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatric Neurology 35: 93-97.
Professeur Charles Kornreich
Docteur en Sciences Psychologiques et de l’Education (mars 2001, UCL).
Chercheur Qualifié FNRS.
Tél : 02 477 28 51
Ce que couvrent mes recherches | Collaborations | Publications
Ce que couvrent mes recherches :
En octobre 2011, j’ai reçu du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) un mandat de recherche à durée indéterminée portant sur l’étude des processus cognitifs implicites et explicites (et leurs soubassements cérébraux) impliqués dans la vulnérabilité, le développement, le maintien et la rechute du phénomène addictif.
Nos thèmes de recherche chez les personnes souffrant d’addictions comportementales (p. ex., jeu pathologique) et aux substances (p. ex., dépendance à l’alcool) sont les suivants :
– Etude des systèmes motivationnels : tendances d’approche et d’évitement, biais d’attention, biais mnésiques
– Etude des ressources d’auto-régulation (inhibition, flexibilité, mise à jour, etc.)
– Etude des composantes la prise de décision en situation d’incertitude (gestion du risque, intuition, etc.)
– Comment rétablir l’autocontrôle sur les comportements addictifs ? Etude des stratégies de remédiation cognitive
– Etude de la cognitive sociale (traitement des émotions, théorie de l’esprit, etc.)
– Professeur Antoine Bechara, University of Southern California, USA
– Professeur Jan De Houwer, Universiteit of Ghent, Belgium et ses collaborateurs, Dr Adriaan Spruyt; Dr Helen Tibboel
– Professeur Frederick Verbruggen, University of Exeter, UK
– Professeur Chris Chambers, University of Cardiff, UK
– Professeur Axel Cleeremans, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
– Professeur Martial Van der Linden, Université de Genève, Switzerland
– Professeur Anneke Goudriaan, Universiteit of Amterdam, The Netherlands
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Verbruggen, F., Bechara, A., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2012). Impulsive action not impulsive choice determines problem gambling severity. PlosOne, 7(11):e50647.
Noël, X., Van der Linden, M., Brevers, D., Campanella, S., Verbanck, P., Kornreich, C., & Verbruggen, F. Separating intentional inhibition of prepotent response and automatic inhibition of proactive interference in individuals with alcoholism. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Sep 12
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Bechara, A., Greisen, M., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2012). Impaired metacognitive capacities in individuals with problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, Nov 13.
Amenta, S., Noël, X., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. Decoding of emotional components in complex communicative situations (irony) and their relations to empathic abilities in male chronic alcoholics: An issue for treatment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Nov 8.
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Hermant, C., Tibboel, H., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P. & Noël, X. (2012). Implicit gambling attitudes in problem gamblers: Positive but not negative implicit associations. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 44, 94-97.
Spruyt, A., De Houwer, J., Tibboel, H., Verschueren, B., Crombez, G., Verbanck, P., Hanak, C., Brevers, D., & Noël, X. On the predictive validity of automatically activated approach/avoidance tendencies in abstaining alcohol-dependent patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Jul 7.
Kornreich, C., Brevers, D., Canivet, D., Ermer, E., Naranjo, C., Constant, E., Verbanck, P., Campanella, S., & Noël, X. Impaired processing of emotion in music, faces and voices supports a generalized emotional decoding deficit in alcoholism. Addiction, Jun 22.
Noël, X., Van der Linden, M., Brevers, D., Campanella, S., Hanak, C., Kornreich, C., & Verbanck, P. (2012). The contribution of executive functions deficits to impaired episodic memory in individuals with alcoholism. Psychiatry Research, Apr 19.
Noël, X. (2012). Alcoholism: An Impulsive/Disinhibition Disorder? Psychology – Selected Papers, Dr. Gina Rossi (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0587-9, InTech, Available from:
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Bechara, A., Greisen, M., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2012). Impaired self-awareness in pathological gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 1-11.
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Goudriaan, A. E., Bechara, A., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2012). Decision making under ambiguity but not under risk is related to problem gambling severity. Psychiatry Research (Apr 19).
Petit, G., Kornreich, C., Maurage, P., Noël, X., Letesson, C., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. (2012). Early attentional modulation by alcohol-related cues in young binge drinkers: An event-related potentials study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123(5), 925-936.
Petit, G., Kornreich, C., Noël, X., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. (2012). Alcohol-related context modulates performance of social drinkers in a visual go/no-go task: a preliminary assessment of event-related potentials. Plos One, 7(5):e37466.
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Tibboel, H., Bechara, A., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2011). Reduced attentional blink for gambling-related stimuli in problem gamblers. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42(3), 265-269.
Brevers, D., Cleeremans, A., Bechara, A., Laloyaux, C., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2011). Time course of attentional bias for gambling information in problem gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25(4), 675-682.
Kornreich, C., Delle-Vigne, D., Knittel, J., Nerincx, A., Campanella, S., Noel, X., Ermer, E. (2011). Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: A negative impact on social interactions and risky behaviors? Addiction, 106(5), 951-959.
Noël, X., Brevers, D., Bechara, A., Hanak, C., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Le Bon, O. (2011). Neurocognitive determinants of novelty and sensation-seeking in individuals with alcoholism. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46(4), 407-415.
Naranjo, C., Kornreich, C., Campanella, S., Noël, X., Vandriette, Y., Gillain, B., Constant, E. (2011). Major depression is associated with impaired processing of emotion in music as well as in facial and vocal stimuli. Journal of Affective Disorders, 128(3), 243-251.
Maurage, P., Grynberg, D., Noël, X., Joassin, F., Hanak, C., Verbanck, P., Philippot, P. (2011). The « reading the mind in the eyes » test as a new way to explore complex emotions decoding in alcohol dependence. Psychiatry Research, 190(2-3), 375-378.
Maurage, P., Grynberg, D., Noël, X., Joassin, F., Philippot, P., Hanak, C., Campanella, S. (2011). Dissociation between affective and cognitive empathy in alcoholism: A specific deficit for the emotional dimension. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35(9), 1662-1668.
Brevers, D., Dan, B., Nils, F., & Noël, X. (2111). Sport superstition : mediation of psychological tension on non-professional sportsmen’s superstitious rituals. Journal of Sport Behavior, 34, 3-24.
Campanella, S., Petit, G., Verbanck, P., Kornreich, C., & Noel, X. (2011). How cognitive assessment through clinical neurophysiology may help optimize chronic alcoholism treatment. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 41(3), 115-123.
Noël, X., Bechara, A., Brevers, D., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. (2010). Alcoholism and the loss of willpower: A neurocognitive perspective. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 240-248.C
Noël, X., Campanella, S., Pelc, I., & Verbanck, P. (2010). Acute and chronic effects of alcohol: Some insights from cognitive sciences. Acta Clinica Belgica, 65(SUPPL. 1), 68-74.
Campanella, S., Bruyer, R., Froidbise, S., Rossignol, M., Joassin, F., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P. (2010). Is two better than one ? A cross-modal oddball paradigm reveals greater sensitivity of the P300 to emotional face-voice associations. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121(11), 1855-1862.
Noël, X., Tomberg, C., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. (2010). The influence of alcohol ingestion on cognitive response inhibition and error processing. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 253-258.
Campanella, S., Noël, X., & Tomberg, C. (2010). Cognitive event-related potentials and alcoholism. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 231-239.
Houa, M., Tomberg, C., & Noël, X. (2010). Alcohol and its impact onmotor control. Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(4), 259-263.
Noël, X., Billieux, J., Van Der Linden, M., Dan, B., Hanak, C., De Bournonville, S., Verbanck, P. (2009). Impaired inhibition of proactive interference in abstinent individuals with alcoholism. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31(1), 57-64.
Campanella, S., Petit, G., Maurage, P., Kornreich, C., Verbanck, P., & Noël, X. (2009). Chronic alcoholism: Insights from neurophysiology. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 39(4-5), 191-207.
Noël X, Van der Linden M, Verbanck P. (2008). Abus de Substances psychoactives. M. Van der Linden & G. Ceschi (Eds.), Traité de psychopathologie cognitive ; Tome II, Marseille : Solal
Maurage, P., Campanella, S., Philippot, P., de Timary, P., Constant, E., Gauthier, S., Verbanck, P. (2008). Alcoholism leads to early perceptive alterations, independently of comorbid depressed. Clinical Neurophysiology, 38, 83-97
Van den Aabeel, I., Verbanck, P., Hanak, C., & Noël X. (2008). Alcoolo-dépendance avec ou sans tabac : points communs et différences. Alcoologie et Addictologie, 30, 191-196.
Noël, X., Bechara, A., Dan, B., Hanak, C., & Verbanck, P. (2007). Response inhibition deficit is involved in poor decision making under risk in nonamnesic individuals with alcoholism. Neuropsychology, 21(6), 778-786.
Noël, X., Dan, B., & Verbanck, P. (2007). Alcohol cues compromise regulatory processes in recently detoxified alcoholics – reply to commentary. Psychopharmacology, 192(2), 301-302.
Maurage, P., Philippot, P., Verbanck, P., Noel, X., Kornreich, C., Hanak, C., & Campanella, S. (2007). Is the P300 deficit in alcoholism associated with early visual impairments (P100, N170)? an oddball paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(3), 633-644. state: An ERP study. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 38(2), 83-97.
Noël, X., Colmant, M., Van Der Linden, M., Bechara, A., Bullens, Q., Hanak, C., & Verbanck, P. (2006). Time course of attention for alcohol cues in abstinent alcoholic patients: The role of initial orienting. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(11), 1871-1877.
Bechara A, Noël X, Crone A E. (2006). Loss of Willpower: Abnormal Neural Mechanisms of Impulse Control and Decision-Making in Addiction. Wiers RW & Stacy AW (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction, Sage Publications, Inc.
D’Argembeau, A., Van Der Linden, M., Verbanck, P., & Nöel, X. (2006). Autobiographical memory in non-amnesic alcohol-dependent patients. Psychological Medicine, 36(12), 1707-1715.
Noël, X., Van der Linden, M., & Bechara, A. (2006). Decision-making, impulse control and loss of willpower to resist drugs: a neurocognitive perspective. Psychiatry (Edgmont), 3, 30-42.
Kornreich, C., Foisy, M. -., Philippot, P., Dan, B., Tecco, J., Noël, X., Verbanck, P. (2003). Impaired emotional facial expression recognition in alcoholics, opiate dependence subjects, methadone maintained subjects and mixed alcohol-opiate antecedents subjects compared with normal controls. Psychiatry Research, 119(3), 251-260.
Kornreich, C., Philippot, P., Foisy, M. -., Blairy, S., Raynaud, E., Dan, B., Verbanck, P. (2002). Impaired emotional facial expression recognition is associated with interpersonal problems in alcoholism. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 37(4), 394-400.
Noël, X., Sferrazza, R., Van Linden, M. D., Paternot, J., Verhas, M., Hanak, C., Verbanck, P. (2002). Contribution of frontal cerebral blood flow measured by 99mTc-bicisate spect and executive function deficits to predicting treatment outcome in alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 37(4), 347-354.
Kornreich, C., Blairy, S., Philippot, P., Hess, U., Noël, X., Streel, E., Verbanck, P. (2001). Deficits in recognition of emotional facial expression are still present in alcoholics after mid- to long-term abstinence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62(4), 533-542.
Noël, X., Paternot, J., Van Martial Linden, D. E. R., Sferrazza, R., Verhas, M., Hanak, C., Verbanck, P. (2001). Correlation between inhibition, working memory and delimited frontal area blood flow measured by 99MTc-bicisate SPECT in alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 36(6), 556-563.
Noël, X., Schmidt, N., Van Der Linden, M., Sferrazza, R., Hanak, C., De Mol, J., Verbanck, P. (2001). An atypical neuropsychological profile of a korsakoff syndrome patient throughout the follow-up. European Neurology, 46(3), 140-147.
Noël, X., Van Der Linden, M., D’Acremont, M., Bechara, A., Dan, B., Hanak, C., & Verbanck, P. (2007). Alcohol cues increase cognitive impulsivity in individuals with alcoholism. Psychopharmacology, 192(2), 291-298.
Noël, X., Van Der Linden, M., D’Acremont, M., Colmant, M., Hanak, C., Pelc, I., Bechara, A. (2005). Cognitive biases toward alcohol-related words and executive deficits in polysubstance abusers with alcoholism. Addiction, 100(9), 1302-1309.
Noël, X., Van Der Linden, M., Schmidt, N., Sferrazza, R., Hanak, C., Le Bon, O., Verbanck, P. (2001). Supervisory attentional system in nonamnesic alcoholic men. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58(12), 1152-1158.