Laboratory of
Medical Psychology
and Addiction

Laboratory of
Medical Psychology
and Addiction


The Laboratory of Medical Psychology and Addictology is a research unit attached to the Medicine Faculty of the ULB, but located in the premises of the Institute of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology CHU Brugmann, which greatly facilitates the interactions between clinical and research teams.
Historically, its main activities were oriented towards alcoholism and public health programs.

Today, he leads from the front of structured research in several areas:

The addiction is one of its strengths. The activity centered initially on alcoholism, was gradually extended to the problems of tobacco, cannabis, “hard drugs” and, more recently, behavioral addictions (gambling, addiction, etc ….). Today, we turn to the study of addictive behaviors using modern analytical techniques of brain function : cognitive evoked potentials, functional magnetic resonance, eye tracking, polygraphy.

A second main research involves the pathophysiology of sleep. In particular, we focus on the relationship between sleep quality, sleepiness and fatigue.



We are involved in long-term cooperation activities concerning mental health programs. As such, we have taken action in Vietnam, Cambodia, Tunisia, and now in Congo. Currently, a collaboration between our laboratory and the University of Monastir, Tunisia aims to test the interest of the use of neurostimulation techniques in the context of the cessation of smoking.
